2012 Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling

Statistical Summary Highest Prices
Leading Buyers Leading Consignors and Agents
Leading Sires of Yearlings Hip by Hip Results
Highest Prices - Cumlative

Highest Prices
By Value
$92,000 HIP #95 - VERAMONTE , C , 1, by Jesse James Jr -- Wild Vines, by The Signature (MJ Farms ), Bob & Delores Gerhardt
$45,000 HIP #61 - HEZA FAST HITTER , C , 1, by Hard Hitting -- Prissy Sin, by Heza Fast Man (TNL Farm, Inc., Agent ), Stan Watkins
$44,000 HIP #68 - MY CHUNK OF CHANGE , F , 1, by Jesse James Jr -- Dashin Thru The Snow, by This Snow Is Royal (MJ Farms, Agent for Benny Smith ), R K McGehee
$43,000 HIP #91 - BLAZIN MEAN , F , 1, by First Moonflash -- Blazin Force, by Chicks A Blazin (Double LL Farms, Agent ), Joel Valeriano
$39,000 HIP #137 - THREEDEEWOODEE , C , 1, by Woodbridge -- Three Dee Dreams, by Heza Fast Man (MJ Farms ), Gary Thompson
$37,000 HIP #122 - PATRICK JAMES , C , 1, by Jesse James Jr -- Sandys Fame, by Dash Ta Fame (MJ Farms ), Molly Morris
$34,000 HIP #81 - QUICK TO HIT , C , 1, by Hard Hitting -- Never The Same, by Strawfly Special (TNL Farm, Inc., Agent ), SMS Racing, LLC
$32,000 HIP #141 - MS KLEE , C , 1, by Jesse James Jr -- Ms Klee, by Heza Fast Man (TNL Farm, Inc., Agent ), Stan Watkins
$30,000 HIP #147 - JESS SANDY JR , C , 1, by Jesse James Jr -- Dashin Sandy, by Streakin Dash (MJ Farms ), David and/or Ross Hinkins
$30,000 HIP #59 - RIMEIN N SINGIN , C , 1, by Jesse James Jr -- Singin Diva, by Major Rime (TNL Farm, Inc., Agent for Kado Enterprises, LLC ), Gary Thompson